Jessica Stubenrauch
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  • Jessica Stubenrauch 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Religion und Spiritualität 
  • Leeren
Jessica Stubenrauch

Dr. Jessica Stubenrauch is a post-doctoral researcher at Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Department of Environmetal an Planning Law, Leipzig. She is a former member of the Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy. Her research focusses on sustainable land use in line with international climate and biodiversity targets from a legal and governance perspective. Her particular interest lies in the implementation of sustainable agriculture and forestry systems. As in her PhD thesis on phosphorus governance from a cross-national perspective, including Latin American Countries and Germany, international linkages and telecoupling effects are considered in her governance research.

Felix Ekardt

Prof. Dr. Dr. Felix Ekardt, LL.M., M.A., is Director of the Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy in Leipzig which he founded in 2009. Since 2009, he is also Professor for Public Law and Legal Philosophy at the Rostock University (Faculty of Law) as well as member of the Leibniz Science Campus on Phosphorus Research - as well as member of the Interdisciplinary Faculty (Department Knowledge-Culture-Transformation). His scientific focus as a lawyer, philosopher and sociologist lies in issues around human science sustainability studies (transformation, governance, ethics, law).

Beatrice Garske

Dr. Beatrice Garske, M.Sc., LL.M. oec., is a member of the Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy. She mainly works on governance of phosphorus, soil and land use as well as agricultural policy and digitalisation. Her special focus is on economic governance instruments and integrated solutions for interlinked environmental problems. Her PhD thesis was on regulatory and economic governance instruments of phosphorus governance taking into account the interlinkages with soil, water, biodiversity and climate. Besides, she is involved in policy consulting projects in the field of governance research on plastic.

Katharina Hagemann

Katharina Hagemann, M.A., LL. B., completed her master's degree in "Ethics - Business, Law and Politics" at the Ruhr University in Bochum with a thesis on environmental ethics and environmental law. Afterwards she worked in the field of business, human rights and environment. She currently contributes to the research group "Scientific Assessments, Ethics and Policy" at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change. Katharina is a former member of the Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Policy.