John Reed
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  • John Reed 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Poesie und Drama 
  • Leeren

John Reed is the author of A Still Small Voice; The Whole; the SPD bestseller, Snowball’s Chance; All The World’s A Grave: A New Play By William Shakespeare; Tales of Woe; Free Boat: Collected Lies and Love Poems; A Drama In Time: The New School Century; and The Family Dolls: A Manson Paper + Play Book. He's contributed to, among other venues: Guernica, ElectricLit, The Brooklyn Rail, Tin House, Paper Magazine, Artforum, Hyperallergic, Bomb Magazine, Art in America, The Los Angeles Times, The Believer, The Rumpus, Observer, PEN Poetry Series, The Daily Beast, Gawker, Slate, The Paris Review, The Times Literary Supplement, The Wall Street Journal, Vice, The New York Times, Harpers, and Rolling Stone, and he's been anthologized in (selected) Best American Essays. He holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Columbia University, and is an associate professor and the current director of the MFA in Creative Writing at The New School University.