John T. Taylor
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  • John T. Taylor 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Abenteuer, Thriller, Horror 
  • Leeren

John Taylor has been an embedded developer for over 30 years. He has worked as a firmware engineer, technical lead, system engineer, software architect, and software development manager for companies such as Ingersoll Rand, Carrier, Allen-Bradley, Hitachi Telecom, Emerson, and several start-up companies. He has developed firmware for products that include HVAC control systems, telecom SONET nodes, IoT devices, micro code for communication chips, and medical devices. He is the co-author of five US patents and holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and computer science.

Wayne Taylor has been a technical writer for 27 years. He has worked with companies such as IBM, Novell, Compaq, HP, EMC, SanDisk, and Western Digital. He has documented compilers, LAN driver development, storage system deployment and maintenance, and dozens of low-level and system-management APIs. He also has ten years of experience asa software development manager. He is the co-author of two US patents and holds master’s degrees in English and human factors. He is a co-author of OS/2 and NetWare Programming (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1995).