José R. Maia Neto
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  • José R. Maia Neto 
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José R. Maia Neto is an expert on the history of modern scepticism who teaches at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. His areas of interest also include early modern history of ideas (philosophical, scientific and religious), Socrates and ancient scepticism, philosophy and literature, and the Brazilian Nineteenth century writer Machado de Assis. He is the author of Machado de Assis, the Brazilian Pyrrhonian (Purdue U. P, 1994), The Christianization of Pyrrhonism (Kluwer, 1995) and Academic Skepticism in Seventeenth-Century French Philosophy (Springer, 2014). With Richard Popkin, he co-edited Skepticism in Renaissance and Post-Renaissance Thought (Humanity Books, 2004) and Skepticism, an Anthology (Prometheus Books, 2007); with Gianni Paganini he co-edited Renaissance Scepticisms (Springer, 2009), and with G. Paganini and John Laursen, Skepticism in the Modern Age (Brill, 2009).