Juanita Campbell Rasmus
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  • Juanita Campbell Rasmus 
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Juanita Campbell Rasmus is a speaker, writer, spiritual director, and contemplative. The author of Learning to Be, she copastors the St. John's United Methodist Church in downtown Houston with her husband, Rudy. Juanita has served as a member of the board of directors of Renovaré and she cofounded Bread of Life, Inc., a nonprofit corporation, with Rudy in 1992.Suzanne Stabile is an internationally recognized Enneagram master teacher. She is the author of The Path Between Us and coauthor, with Ian Morgan Cron, of the bestseller The Road Back to You. She is the host of The Enneagram Journey podcast. Along with her husband, Rev. Joseph Stabile, she is cofounder of Life in the Trinity Ministry located in Dallas, Texas.