Judy Gale Roberts
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  • Judy Gale Roberts 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Fantasy und Science-Fiction 
  • Leeren

Judy Gale Roberts is widely recognized as the driving force behind the revival of intarsia as a popular art form. She is largely responsible for reviving intarsia from the 15th century and leading its international resurgence. Judy began creating intarsia pieces in the 1970s and has been inducted into WOOD magazine's Woodworking Hall of Fame. She is co-author of several intarsia books, including Wildlife Intarsia; Intarsia Workbook; Easy to Make Inlay Wood Projects Intarsia; Intarsia Artistry in Wood; and Small Intarsia. Judy teaches intarsia classes at her studio in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains, and presents intarsia seminars throughout the country.Part of the creative team that reinvented modern intarsia, Jerry Booher is co-author of several intarsia books, including Wildlife Intarsia; Intarsia Workbook; Easy to Make Inlay Wood Projects Intarsia; Intarsia Artistry in Wood; and Small Intarsia.