Juliane Bräuer
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  • Juliane Bräuer 
  • Krimi 
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Juliane Kaminski and Juliane Bräuer have been studying the cognitive abilities of dogs for 20 years. The authors both studied biology, then completed their doctorates at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and conducted numerous behavioural studies.

Juliane Kaminski is an assistant professor at the University of Portsmouth, where she heads the Dog Cognition Centre. She is interested in communication between humans and dogs and is co-editor of the book, The social dog: Behaviour and cognition.

Juliane Bräuer heads DogStudies at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena. She is interested in what abilities dogs have developed over the course of domestication. She is author of the book, Smarter than we think: What animals are capable of.