Keith Meyer
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  • Keith Meyer 
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Keith Meyer (D.Min., M.Div.) has served three churches as senior pastor and as the executive pastor at Church of the Open Door. He is an adjunct professor at Denver Seminary and is a senior teaching fellow with the Renovaré Spiritual Formation Institute. He is one of the authors of The Kingdom Life: A Practical Theology of Discipleship and Spiritual Formation. (NavPress). Meyer is also a speaker, teacher, and retreat leader through his organization, Becoming the Change Ministries. He provides individualized coaching for the personal formation of pastors and leaders and consults with staff teams, churches and Christian organizations for developing corporate plans for becoming communities of formation and mission. He also provides training for leaders to develop plans of regular soul care for themselves, their staff and congregations. Meyer is a contributing editor for Leadership Journal and also for the academic journal of Biola/Talbot's Institute of Spiritual Formation, the Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care. He and his wife live in the Minneapolis area. Meyer invites you to visit and contact him at his website,