Kendall Richards
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  • Kendall Richards 
  • Fremdsprachen 
  • Leeren

Kendall Richards is a recently retired lecturer who worked at Edinburgh Napier University, UK. He continues to research in his retirement. His research focuses on addressing academic support, retention, progression and widening access. He has presented globally and is published in journals including the International Journal of Qualitative Studies, Power and Education, and Teaching in Higher Education.

Nick Pilcher is a Lecturer and the current Programme Leader for the MSc Intercultural Business Communication at the Edinburgh Napier Business School, UK. His research focuses on a range of areas including research methods, Engineering and Construction Education, Maritime Logistics, and Intercultural Communication and Teaching.

Gyung Sook Jane Lee is a Professor at the Institute of Liberal Arts Education at Chonnam National University in Korea. Her research focuses on EMI and the lives of Korean migrant women in Australia both in relation to aspects such as the role of culture in relating to domestic violence and also in relation to the role of the English language in their gaining employment. She has published a number of monographs and is published in journals such as Gender, Place & Culture and English Teaching.