Kevin Sullivan
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  • Kevin Sullivan 
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Kevin Sullivan is the president of The Anti–Money Laundering (AML) Training Academy and Advisory LLC, which provides compliance training and AML (Anti–Money Laundering) independent reviews. He was the New York State Police money laundering investigations coordinator at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) El Dorado Federal Task Force (NY/NJ HIFCA) in Manhattan. He was first exposed to money laundering while a New York State Police investigator on an undercover narcotics detail. He was subsequently assigned to a money laundering and financial crimes unit of the FBI White Collar Crimes Task Force, then to the El Dorado HIFCA Task Force. Sullivan was a lead instructor for ICE’s Operation Cornerstone, which assisted financial institutions with their AML and BSA compliance programs and provided a liaison between private financial institutions and law enforcement. Sullivan holds a master’s degree in economic crime management   He is a Certified Anti–Money Laundering Specialist, a founding member and past president of the NY Chapter of ACAMS. He has written and teaches many classes for ACAMS, a frequent speaker on AML at seminars, conferences, and webinars, and an expert commentator on money laundering in national magazines and television.