Klemens Joos
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  • Klemens Joos 
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Prof. Klemens Joos studied business administration at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) in Munich, where he obtained his doctorate on "Representing the Interests of German Companies vis-à-vis the Institutions of the European Union" in 1997. After working as a personal assistant to a Member of the European Parliament, he founded EUTOP International GmbH, now the EUTOP Group, in 1990. EUTOP is a governmental relations agency that deals on a scientifically founded basis with the structural and sustainable support of interest representation for private companies, associations and organisations amongst the institutions of the European Union and selected member states. In addition to Brussels, the EUTOP Group is now present in the capital cities of all important member states of the European Union with subsidiary companies or representative offices. The scientific basis of the EUTOP Group's business model has also led to close co-operations with Germany's Universities of Excellence: from 2013 to 2021, Prof. Klemens Joos was a visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Business Administration at LMU Munich for the "Convincing Political Stakeholders" course. Since the summer semester of 2021, he has been a visiting lecturer at the TUM School of Management at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). In 2022, he was appointed as honorary professor for "business studies - convincing political stakeholders" at the TUM. Prof. Joos is also the founder and managing partner of his company group EUXEA Holding GmbH, which encompasses further companies in the business areas of Real Estate (Real Estate Group), Perspective Change (OnePager Group), Services and Handcraft in addition to the EUTOP Group.