Laurie V. Soileau
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  • Laurie V. Soileau 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Wissenschaft und neue Technologien 
  • Leeren

Certified life coach and permaculture designer, Laurie V. Soileau is deeply impassioned about the good, the true, and the beautiful explicit in every part of creation. She encourages others to unplug, get outdoors, and reconnect with this garden home for which God made us stewards of nature and of human hearts. Part of her mission is to encourage and equip adults affected by ADHD and autism spectrum disorder to thrive as they were uniquely designed. Equally fascinated by neuroscience, psychology, cultural dances, and foreign languages, she's intrigued by how we view ourselves and relate to the world around us. Perpetually curious, she finds joy in dancing, art making, and too many other subjects and activities to name. Laurie writes to explore her understanding of life as both natural and supernatural beings in the hands of the eternal Father. Her writing is poetic and documentary, abounding with love for God and his creation. In addition to writing for her blog, she has several poems and articles published online and in print, her first published work appearing in the Washington Post. Laurie and her husband live in Nashville, Tennessee, near three of their four children. Together, they love outdoor pursuits, dancing, making music and functional wood art, and keeping chickens and honeybees.