Lawrence Scott
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  • Lawrence Scott 
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Lawrence Scott is a prize-winning novelist and short story writer from Trinidad & Tobago. He was recently inducted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, 2019. He was awarded a Lifetime Literary Award in 2012 by the National Library of Trinidad & Tobago for his significant contribution to the Literature of Trinidad & Tobago. His first novel, Witchbroom (1992) was read as a BBC Book at Bedtime, and republished by Papillote Press (2017). His most recent book, the collection of stories, Leaving by Plane Swimming Back Underwater, 2015, was longlisted for The Edge Hill Short Story Prize 2016, the Grand Prix Littéraire de l'Association des Ecrivains de la Caraïbe from the Congrès des Ecrivains de la Caraïbe, Guadeloupe, 2017 and the Frank O'Connor Short Story Award, 2015. His other novels are Light Falling on Bamboo (2012), Night Calpyso (2004) and Aelred's Sin (1998). He lives in London and Trinidad.