Luciano M. Fasano
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Luciano M. Fasano is professor of Politics at the University of Milan, Italy. He is founding partner of Candidate and Leader Selection, the Italian Society of Political Science’s Standing group on the Italian primaries. Recent books: L’ultimo partito. Dieci anni di Partito Democratico (Giappichelli, 2017); Il Partito Democratico dei Nativi (Epoké, 2019); Il sistema politico italiano (Laterza, 2019).

Paolo Natale is professor of Political Sociology at the University of Milan, Italy. He is an editor for the newspaper la Repubblica and the web magazines Gli Stati Generali and Fondazione Hume, and a member of the Executive Committee of the Italian Society on Electoral Studies. Recent books: Politica a 5 stelle (Feltrinelli, 2013); L’ultimo partito (Giappichelli, 2017); Movimento 5 stelle: dall’opposizione al governo (Mimesis, 2018); Sondaggi (Laterza, 2022). 

James L. Newell is former professor of Politics at the University of Salford, UK, and currently adjunct professor at the University of Urbino, Italy. He is founding co-editor of the journal Contemporary Italian Politics and co-founder of the UK Political Studies Association’s Italian Politics Specialist Group. Recent books: Corruption in Contemporary Politics: A New Travel Guide (Manchester University Press, 2018); Silvio Berlusconi: A Study in Failure (Manchester University Press, 2019); European Integration and the Crisis of Social Democracy (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022).