Luigi Martino
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Luigi Martino (PhD) is Assistant Professor at University of Bologna where he teaches Cyberspace and International Politics and Cyber Security and International Business. He is also Research Scientist at Khalifa University and Director of the Center for Cyber Security and International Relations Studies and Member of the Management Committee of the Italian Cyber National Lab of the CINI. With more than 10 years of research and academic expertise in cyber diplomacy, international cyber security cooperation, and strategic studies, Dr. Martino has been actively involved in formulating the G7 Declaration on Responsible States Behavior in Cyberspace and has participated in the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace. In 2019, Dr. Martino was honored by the US Department of State, selected to participate in the International Visiting Leadership Program (IVLP), focusing on Cyber Security Multi-Regional Cooperation. His work spans across academia, government, and international organizations, with a specific focus on cooperation and stability in cyberspace.