Lutz Kasper
Die Suchergebnisse bei Legimi sind auf die vom Nutzer angegebenen Suchkriterien zugeschnitten. Wir versuchen Titel, die für unsere Nutzer von besonderem Interesse sein könnten, durch die Bezeichnung "Bestseller" oder "Neuheit" hervorzuheben. Titel in der Liste der Suchergebnisse können auch sortiert werden - die Sortierauswahl hat Vorrang vor anderen Ergebnissen."

  • Lutz Kasper 
  • Für Kinder und Jugendliche 
  • Leeren

Lutz Kasper studied physics and mathematics at University of Hannover to become a teacher and completed his doctorate in physics education at the University of Potsdam. He has been a professor of physics and physics education at University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd since 2011. In recent years, he also has worked as an invited visiting professor in the physics department of Grand Valley State University (MI) and at the Taraz Pedagogical University (Kazakhstan).

Patrik Vogt studied physics and mathematics on a teaching degree at the University of Koblenz-Landau and was a research assistant and secondary school teacher at various schools and universities in Germany until 2019. Since then, he is head of the department "Media Education, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Music, Philosophy" at the ILF in Mainz, Germany. His work focuses on the possible uses of mobile devices in physics lessons, especially as a measuring instrument, task culture and the physicsof everyday life.