Marcelo Velasco
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  • Marcelo Velasco 
  • Religion und Spiritualität 
  • Leeren
Marcelo Velasco (Santiago, 1971) is a Biologist with graduate studies in Medial Arts (Universidad de Chile) and Ecological Economics (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). As an experimental biologist he worked in Neurosciences studying the epistemology, physiology and behaviour of the visual system and magnetic perception. During the 2000’s he developed studies for the sustainability performance of various industries. He has developed and applied innovative social instruments for collaboration and inclusion using new technologies and interdisciplinary approaches. This and other works resulted in presentations in Argentina, Colombia, Canada and the UK. Currently he is devoted to unfolding the transformative potential of art-science inside and outside the scientific community.

Ignacio Nieto (Santiago, 1973) studied Visual Arts, has a Master in Education (Educational Informatics) and now is PhD candidate in Philosophy (Aesthetics and Art Theory) at the Universidad de Chile. Over the last fifteen years he has worked in several Chilean universities teaching object-oriented programming to design and art students and as a curator, giving talks and workshops on new media. His proposals have been presented at Instituto Cervantes, Albuquerque, ConectarLab Buenos Aires, HeK Gallery Bassel, Mu Gallery Eindhoven, UCSD in San Diego, Telic Art Los Angeles and Penn State University, State College, UNTREF Buenos Aires, Festival de la Imagen and Cinemateca Distrital, both in Colombia. He co-authored Radiografía del net art Latinoamericano and was juror for the art gallery Apex Art in New York. He belonged to the IPC, International Program Committee, Symposium for Electronic Arts, ISEA, 2017. Currently he is guest editor of the journal AI & Society and is completing his doctoral thesis based on the ontological and epistemological experience in the practice of art.