Mark Forsyth
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  • Mark Forsyth 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Krimi 
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Mark Forsyth was given a copy of the Oxford English Dictionary as a christening present, and has never looked back. He is the author of several books on language, including The Illustrated Etymologicon, which was a Sunday Times number-one bestseller. Mark has also written about Christmas traditions and bookshops, and his TED Talk on language and politics ('What's a snollygoster?') has had over half a million views. He studied English at Oxford University, and lives in London.Matthew Land grew up on a dairy farm in the Welsh hills, and read and drew almost compulsively. He no longer lives on the dairy farm, but continues to read and draw. He graduated from Falmouth College of Art in 2012 and has since illustrated a number of books for children. His client list includes Penguin, Oxford University Press, Blackwell's Bookshops and the SS Great Britain. Matthew lives in Edinburgh.