Massimiliano Agovino
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  • Massimiliano Agovino 
  • Ratgeber 
  • Leeren

Massimiliano Agovino is a full professor in Economic Policy at the Department of Economics, Law, Cybersecurity, and Sports Sciences of the University of Naples Parthenope, Italy and head of the PhD programme in Economics, Statistics and Sustainability. His reseach interests include the labour market, environmental sustainability, performance analysis and discrimination. 

Massimiliano Cerciello is a Senior Research Fellow in Economic Policy at the Department of Economic and Legal Studies of the University of Naples Parthenope, Italy and International Factulty Fellow at the Massachussets Institute of Technology. His research interests include the empirical evaluation of public policies, labour economics, social policies and greenwashing.

Michele Bevilacqua is a Senior Research Fellow in French Language and Linguistics at the Department of Humanities of the University of Salerno (Italy). He holds a PhD in French linguistics from the University of Naples Parthenope and the Université d’Artois (Arras, France). He has been a Visiting Researcher at the Centre de recherche en linguistique française “Grammatica” of the Université d’Artois and at the Institut d’Histoire des Représentations et des Idées dans les Modernités of the Université Lumière Lyon 2. His research interests focus on linguistic pragmatics, lexical semantics, discourse analysis and spoken French in Maghreb countries and Canada.