Matt Brown
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  • Matt Brown 
  • Fachliteratur 
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Matt Brown (Author) Matt Brown is an author and broadcaster based in the UK. He has written eight books for children, including Mutant Zombies Cursed My School Trip which won the FCBG Children's Book Award in 2020. Before dyeing his hair grey for fashion reasons, Matt presented on some of the UK's most popular TV shows and he has been on the radio a lot, hosting shows and making documentaries. He is a passionate promoter of reading for pleasure in schools as well as an advocate of saving public libraries. Matt is not considered dangerous (unless you get him talking about either his favourite trousers or Manchester United). Chats with him on either of these subjects may lead to death-by-boredom. Also, he does NOT look good in hats. Flavia Sorrentino (Illustrator) Flavia Sorrentino lives and works as a freelance illustrator in Rome, where she grew up. She loves her city and the figure of speech, "Rome wasn't built in a day", which inspires her each day to seek new ways of communication and expression. She has worked hard on her technique which has taken her across the globe, from France to America and beyond! She has a true passion for Toulouse Lautrec, poetry, historical costume, typography, Tina Turner and tomato sauce!