Matt Tebbe has been in local church ministry for over twenty years. He holds a Masters of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and worked as an adjunct professor at Trinity International University. He has written for Leadership Journal, Shattered Magazine, and contributed to the book What Pastors Wish Their Congregations Knew. He's been a featured writer for Missio Allliance and writes regularly at Gravity Leadership, where he also co-hosts the Gravity Leadership Podcast. He co-founded Gravity Leadership and is co-pastor at The Table in Indianapolis. Ben Sternke has over two decades of Christian ministry experience. He has a graduate degree in Hermeneutics from London School of Theology, and a B.A. in Christian Ministry and Music from Taylor University. Since 2005, he has been writing about church leadership and ministry in various online publications, including Gravity Leadership, The V3 Movement, and more. He co-founded Gravity Leadership and is co-pastor at The Table in Indianapolis.