Maxim Yu. Kagan
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  • Maxim Yu. Kagan 
  • Für Kinder und Jugendliche 
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Prof. Dr. Maxim Yu. Kagan was born in Moscow in 1961, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Principal scientist in the Theoretical Department of P. L Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, Distinguished professor of Condensed Matter Physics in Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM) of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Invited professor in San Sebastian, Spain.

From 2000 till 2018 an Executive Director of Russian Science Support Foundation, Winner of Presidential Award for young professors, Moscow, 1996 and Leverhulme Award (Leverhulme Professor), Loughborough University, UK, 2010, member of C5 IUPAP commission on Low Temperature Physics 2015-2022.

Prof. Kagan is renowned physicist with high international reputation. He made a significant contribution in the fields of condensed matter physics and investigations of novel materials, low temperature and statistical physics, author of 160 scientific publications and extended monography Modern trends in Superconductivity and Superfluidity published in Springer in 2013.

Dr. Kliment I. Kugel was born in Moscow in 1947, Leading Researcher in the Institute for Theoretical and Applied Electromagnetics of Russian Academy of Sciences, professor in Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM) of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Fibonacci Prize in the field of magnetism and superconductivity (2019).  Visiting scientist in the Department of Physics, Loughborough University, UK (2002-2012)   and in the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research RIKEN, Wako, Japan (2012-2019).

Author of more than 180 scientific publications including several highly cited review articles. The main field of research during last ten years is the phase separation phenomena and superstructure formation in strongly correlated electron systems, such as manganites, cobaltites, cuprates, and graphene.

Prof. Dr. Alexander L. Rakhmanov was born in Novosibirsk in 1948, Laboratory Head in the Institute for Theoretical and Applied Electrodynamics of Russian Academy of Sciences, professor of Condensed Matter Physics in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology (2012). Visiting scientist in the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research RIKEN, Wako, Japan (2004-2019).

Prof. Rakhmanov made a significant contribution in the fields of investigations of novel materials and superconductivity. He is the author of more than 200 scientific publications including reviews and monographs.

Dr. Artem O. Sboychakov was born in Moscow in 1978. He is Senior Researcher in the Institute for Theoretical and Applied Electrodynamics of Russian Academy of Sciences. Visiting scientist in the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research RIKEN, Wako, Japan (2006-2019).

Dr. Sboychakov is the author of about 100 scientific publications including review papers. His main research interest in recent years is the phase separation in the strongly correlated electron systems and the nature of many-body states in graphene-based materials.