Melissa Huray
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  • Melissa Huray 
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Melissa Huray has dedicated nearly two decades to helping people find restoration through the power of Jesus Christ. Radically freed from alcohol, cigarettes, and stimulants in 2003, Melissa is an addiction counselor with a master's degree in physiology. She spent twelve years counseling addicts in intensive outpatient treatment programs before accepting the position of executive director at the Lindell Recovery Network. Melissa is also an Emmy-award-winning news reporter and anchor, having appeared on television programs such as His Glory Ministry and CBS Minnesota's WCCO-TV. She is the host of The Hope Report podcast and a regular guest on Steve Bannon's War Room podcast. Her many writing pieces include articles for Charisma Media, Living North magazine, and Steve Bannon's War Room. She is also the author of her memoir titled Blackout to Blessing. A faithful follower of Jesus Christ, Melissa enjoys reading, running, wordsmithing, and singing—both karaoke and as a member of two musical groups: her church worship team and the City of Lakes women's Barbershop chorus. Melissa lives in the Twin Cities suburb of Lakeville, Minnesota, with her husband, Mike, and has three daughters.