Menachem Kimchi
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  • Menachem Kimchi 
  • Geisteswissenschaft 
  • Leeren

Menachem Kimchi is an Associate Professor of Practice in the Department of Material Science & Engineering, Welding Engineering Program at The Ohio State University. Previously, Menachem was a principal research engineer, technology leader, and business development manager for EWI  Manufacturing. Menachem has been involved extensively with research and development projects for the Automotive and Steel industries and published over 100 technical papers in the areas of Resistance and Solid State Welding processes of advanced materials. He has also served on AWS Resistance Welding and Automotive committees, and chaired the IIW Sub-commission on Resistance Welding. 

Dr. David Phillips is a Professor of Practice in the Welding Engineering program at The Ohio State University. After completing his Master’s degree in Welding Engineering in 1986, he spent approximately 20 years in industry, with most of his experience in the aerospace and automotive sectors. David then earned his Ph.D. in Welding Engineering and began teaching at Ohio State in 2008 where he now teaches a variety of welding processes and weld metallurgy courses from sophomore to graduate level. David is a licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.) in Welding Engineering, an International Welding Engineer (I.W.E.), and was a Certified Welding Inspector (C.W.I.) for 12 years. He is also the author of a recently published textbook titled Welding Engineering: An Introduction.