Michael Friedman
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  • Michael Friedman 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Geisteswissenschaft 
  • Leeren
Michael Friedman is a Senior Lecturer at the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas. The focus of his research is on how material, visual and symbolical knowledge and practices in mathematics interact with each other. More specifically, his research examines the material practices of mathematics (folding, weaving, braiding, knotting, as well as three-dimensional models) and how symbolical-mathematical knowledge was prompted by them. Recent publications:  A History of Folding in Mathematics. Mathematizing the Margins (Birkhäuser, 2018); Grenzen der Formalisierung. Von Leibniz bis Lacan (with Angelika Seppi. Spector, 2021); Ramified Surfaces. On Branch Curves and Algebraic Geometry During the 20th Century (Birkhäuser, 2022)