Morten Lind
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  • Morten Lind 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Religion und Spiritualität 
  • Leeren

Morten Lind is Professor Emeritus at Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering, DTU with more than 35 years of experience in the application of artificial intelligence and cognitive science research in automation and control of industrial processes. Prof. Lind has also a general interest in the foundations of engineering science. His main research contribution is the development of Multilevel Flow Modeling (MFM) which is a method for modeling goals and functions of complex automated processes within energy and chemical production. MFM has applications for knowledge based decision support in process and automation design, fault management, supervisory control and human machine interaction. Prof. Lind participated in several EU research programs within advanced information technology, in Nordic nuclear power research programs within automation and safety and in national funded basic research centers on Semiotics and Human Machine Interaction. He participated in the project initiated by the Danish transmission system operator Prof. Lind had long term cooperation with the IFE Halden Reactor Project and has initiated research cooperation with Eldor Technology now: Kairos Technology, Norway and Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre (DHRTC) now: Danish Offshore Technology Centre on MFM applications for decision support in the operation of oil and gas platforms in the North Sea.