Olga Campbell-Thomson
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  • Olga Campbell-Thomson 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Wissenschaft und neue Technologien 
  • Leeren

Olga Campbell-Thomson trained as a language teacher before obtaining her Master’s degrees in Linguistics and Speech Communication in Russia and the USA, and her doctorate from the University of Manchester, UK. Over the past thirty years, her career has encompassed research and teaching in the multilingual and multicultural environments of the USA, Cyprus, Qatar, and the UK. She has an enduring interest in language education and her current research is focused on the history of modern foreign language teaching. She has published several translations of essays of Russian linguist Lev Vladimirovič Ščerba (1880-1944) and has promoted his work on educational methodology for modern foreign languages. Her critical review of Ščerba's writing published in The Curriculum Journal in 2017 received the editors' choice award for innovation, academic rigor, clarity of writing and contribution to knowledge.