Paul Michael Brannagan
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  • Paul Michael Brannagan 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Poesie und Drama 
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Dr Paul Michael Brannagan is an international relations scholar who focuses on state’s use of major events for achieving foreign policy objectives. He has published in leading political science journals, and authored/edited several books on sports politics. His research has also appeared in various media publications, produced by outlets such as the  New York TimesThe Independent and  Sky Sports News.

Dr Danyel Reiche is a visiting associate professor at Georgetown University Qatar, where he leads a research initiative on the FIFA World Cup 2022. He published the book  Success and Failure of Countries at the Olympic Games,  and co-edited the volumes  Sport, Politics and Society in the Middle East and  Handbook of Sport in the Middle East. He has been frequently interviewed and quoted by major media outlets.