Péter Hartl
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  • Péter Hartl 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Erotik 
  • Leeren

Péter Hartl (PhD, University of Aberdeen) was a research fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest (formerly known as the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). Until 2022, he was a member of the MTA-Lendület Morals and Values Research Group. He has published works on epistemology, the philosophy of Michael Polanyi and that of David Hume, including two papers on Hume’s philosophy of religion, Hume and the art of theological lying (Journal of Scottish Philosophy), and Hume on the rational and irrational origins of religion (Hume Studies). In addition to co-editing The Value of Truth special issue of Synthese and the volume entitled Science, Freedom, Democracy (Routledge, 2021), Hartl also edited Science, Faith, Society: new essays on the philosophy of Michael Polanyi (Springer, 2024).