Petrine Day Mitchum
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  • Petrine Day Mitchum 
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Petrine Day Mitchum: Petrine Day Mitchum is an award-winning filmmaker who has written and directed films have appeared on Saturday Night Live! Petrine has been a story editor and script analyst for Pathé, TriStar Pictures, and DreamWorks. As a photojournalist, she has contributed to numerous publications, including Horse Illustrated. She is currently working on a documentary film version of Hollywood Hoofbeats and an illustrated book about a rescued dog titled Snout About Town. She lives in Santa Ynez, California with her three rescued dogs and her two American Quarter Horses, Photo Op and Genuine Rascal Jac.Audrey Pavia is a former editor of Horse Illustrated magazine and an award-winning freelance writer specializing in equine subjects. She is the author of several horse books, including Horses for Dummies,Horseback Riding for Dummies, and Trail Riding: A Complete Guide. She has authored hundreds of articles on equine topics in a number of horse publications, including Western Horseman, The Trail Rider, Equestrian Retailer, Horses USA, Appaloosa Journal, Paint Horse Journal, Quarter Horses USA, Equine Veterinary Management, and USDF Connection magazines.