Philipp Bagus
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  • Philipp Bagus 
  • Für Kinder und Jugendliche 
  • Leeren

Philipp Bagus studied economics in Münster, Germany and in Madrid, Spain. He received his PhD under Prof. Jesús Huerta de Soto on the subject of deflation. He is a professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid. He teaches introduction to economics, principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics, and the methodology of the Austrian school. Dr. Bagus is the author of In "Defense of Deflation", "The Tragedy of the Euro" and "Deep Freeze, Iceland's Economic Collapse" (Co-authored). Andreas Marquart is chairman of the Ludwig-von-Mises-Institut Deutschland (The Ludwig von Mises Institute of Germany). After leaving school, he undertook a "classical" education at a bank and after 15 years as a banker, went freelance in 1998, now working as an investment advisor in the financial industry. His financial advice is grounded in the Austrian school of economics. You can learn more about him at: