Phillip McIntyre
Die Suchergebnisse bei Legimi sind auf die vom Nutzer angegebenen Suchkriterien zugeschnitten. Wir versuchen Titel, die für unsere Nutzer von besonderem Interesse sein könnten, durch die Bezeichnung "Bestseller" oder "Neuheit" hervorzuheben. Titel in der Liste der Suchergebnisse können auch sortiert werden - die Sortierauswahl hat Vorrang vor anderen Ergebnissen."

  • Phillip McIntyre 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Geisteswissenschaft 
  • Leeren

Phillip McIntyre is a Professor in the School of Humanities, Creative Industries and Social Sciences at the University of Newcastle, Australia. A communication and media scholar, his research focuses on creativity and innovation. 

Susan Kerrigan is Professor and Chair of the Department of Film, Games and Animation at Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. An expert in the fields of creative practice and screen production, her research highlights creative agents and how their practices produce creative products that are culturally consumed.

Janet Fulton is Adjunct Associate Professor at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Australia. Her research interests include creativity and cultural production, journalism, journalism education, media entrepreneurship and work-integrated-learning. 

Evelyn King worked in schools and academia before tackling PR at the Australian Museum. She has experience in cultural and heritage tourism, economic development, smart city initiatives, renewable energy and business start-ups. 

Claire Williams is a writer and editor. Formerly Faculty Director Creative Industries at Hunter TAFE, she has also taught Communications, Information Studies and HR at tertiary level. She is also an actor and theatre director working in stage and film.