Pierluigi Parisi
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  • Pierluigi Parisi 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Poesie und Drama 
  • Leeren

Dr. Pierluigi Parisi: Italian scholar, for many years interested in the study of contemporary culture. Inspired by the model of the Renaissance thinker, Parisi has dealt with the most diverse fields of human knowledge: Medicine, Philosophy, History of Art and Architecture, Anthropology and Ethnology, Theology, Music and Law. The aim of his philosophical research is the human being in all his cultural richness. Parisi has also been working for years on a general diagnosis of the contemporary world in which the various forms of knowledge intertwine and cross-fertilise each other. While still eighteen years old, he came into personal contact with Nobel Prize winner for medicine Rita Levi-Montalcini and other international scientists and philosophers, driven by his interest in neuroscientific and philosophical research. Parisi has devoted many reflections to psychological and psychiatric issues, including the development of child drawing, art and schizophrenia, fears at the time of the coronavirus interpreted through the iconography of memes, the legal meanings of hair, Marian iconographies drawn by schizophrenic patients, cosmetic surgery and youth discomfort, and internet addiction among adolescents. He currently works as a medical doctor, philosopher, anthropologist and art historian.