Rashmi Singla
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  • Rashmi Singla 
  • Für Kinder und Jugendliche 
  • Leeren

Rashmi Singla is an Associate Professor in Psychology and Interdisciplinary Health Studies, also affiliated with the Global Humanities program,  at Roskilde University, Denmark. She is educated in Denmark and India, with a long-standing career in teaching, researching psychology, and counselling/psychosocial intervention.

She has authored Ethnic Minority Youth in Denmark: About Their Psychosocial Situation (co-author Julio Arenas) (1995); Youth Relationship, Ethnicity & Psychosocial Intervention (2004); The One and Only - How Ethnic Minority Youth in Denmark Form Intimate Partnerships (2006); Now and Then - Life Trajectories, Family Relationships, and Diasporic Identities (2008); and Intermarriage and Mixed Parenting: Promoting Mental Health & Wellbeing (2015), along with several chapters in books and journals. Additionally, she is involved in an array of international projects and organisations related to couple/ family life,migration/ transnationalism, and decolonisation of knowledge.