Raymond Harris
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  • Raymond Harris 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Abenteuer, Thriller, Horror 
  • Leeren

Raymond H. Harris is a practicing architect, executive movie producer, and venture capitalist in God's kingdom. He is the founder and chairman of RHA Architects, which has become one of the largest architectural firms specializing in corporate architecture. The firm was ranked as the #2 retail design firm in America for 3 years. Raymond graduated first in his class from The University of Oklahoma and was selected as the Outstanding Senior in the College of Architecture. He was selected as the Outstanding Alumni 2013-2014. He cofounded the Christian Economic Forum, is a founding partner of the Global Cities Movement Day efforts in NYC, and is extensively involved in international sustainable community development projects in Africa and Asia. He serves on numerous corporate and not-for-profit boards. Raymond has authored The Anatomy of a Successful Firm and The Heart of Business previously published. He is also an executive producer for numerous movies distributed by Sony Pictures and Lionsgate. Raymond has hiked all of the Continental U.S. National Parks and served as a Boy Scout Scoutmaster. Raymond and his wife, Marydel are blessed by their four adult children, their spouses and six grandchildren.