Rogelio Leon
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  • Rogelio Leon 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Poesie und Drama 
  • Leeren

Rogelio León is an Agronomist Engineer graduated from the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM). Since four years ago, he has been working in a financial institutions attending at the agricultural sector in Peru, a position from which he contributes to improve operations of the whole country with strategies of mitigation of agroclimatic risk in credits and the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship in new projects that can be financed. During his professional growth, he has developed several facets. As a project manager, he has won two important competitions promoted by the UNALM, Universia and Sierra and Selva Exportadora. As a producer, he has been a pioneer in the introduction of blueberry cultivation in Peru and is part of the technical team of leading companies in the sector. As an entrepreneur, he has been technical manager of the company Crops Peru, a pioneer in the production, stockpiling and commercialization of quinoa and other native grains in the Peruvian coast.