Samuel C. Hampsher-Monk
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  • Samuel C. Hampsher-Monk 
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Samuel C. Hampsher-Monk is Managing Director of BOTEC Analysis, where he leads research on the regulation of tobacco, cannabis, and reduced-risk nicotine products for public and private clients, including 501(c)(3) groups and LLPs, as well as municipal and state regulators. He holds a BA in Politics and Philosophy from the University of Southampton and a MSc from the University of Edinburgh.


James E. Prieger, an economist, is Professor of Public Policy at Pepperdine University and Senior Researcher at BOTEC Analysis, where he leads research on illicit tobacco markets, alternative nicotine products, and related policy issues. He has published over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and chapters. He received his BA from Yale University and his PhD in economics from the University of California, Berkeley.


Sudhanshu Patwardhan is a medical doctor, working on tobacco harm reduction projects globally. He has worked in R&D in the pharma and tobacco sectors across three continents. Patwardhan qualified as a doctor from BJ Medical College Pune, India, received a Master of Business and Science from the Keck Graduate Institute, California, USA, and holds an MBA from the London Business School, UK.