Sarah Philpott
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  • Sarah Philpott 
  • Gesellschafts- und Liebesromane 
  • Leeren

Sarah Philpott, PhD, lives on a cattle farm in Tennessee. She is the mother of three young children and wife to one hard workin' farmer (who has been her sweetheart since high school). Sarah is a former elementary teacher and went on to earn her PhD at the University of Tennessee. She is an award-winning writer who has contributed to numerous academic books such as Contemporary Social Studies: An Essential Reader and has been published in scholarly journals such as Social Studies and the Young Learner. Sarah also contributes to places such as the Huffington Post, Her View from Home, BonBon Break, Bethany Christian Services, and Pregnant Chicken.   These days, Sarah happily chooses to be a stay-at-home mom and spends her days cleaning peanut butter and jelly off the counter, dreaming of traveling the world, hosting "get-togethers" for her friends and family, and chasing her kids around the farm. She doesn't believe in sharing desserts. Life is too short to share chocolate! Sarah is a lover of big earrings, black coffee, front-porch rocking chairs, star-gazing, river days, Doris Day, and all things Hemingway. Cherishing the life God has provided is her mantra.   Sarah is also the founder of the Loved Baby pregnancy loss support group and the #HonorAllMoms Mother's Day movement. Visit with Sarah at where she writes about life on the farm and cherishing life in joy and sorrow.