Stefan Abela
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  • Stefan Abela 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Krimi 
  • Leeren

Dr Stefan Abela is a Specialist and Consultant in Orthodontics. He is considered to be one of the leading international stalwarts in the profession and has contributed profusely with a vast amount of scientific articles and numerous books. He has a wide range of research interests however he has a major focus on aligner systems in orthodontics, invisible orthodontics and digital orthodontics. He has to date, treated a vast number of clinical cases and has experience with dealing with all types of malocclusions with experience in using all types of orthodontic appliances. Dr Stefan is currently the CEO of two independent practices, a member and fellow at The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and is also involved in the training of postgraduate dental trainees that have been recruited in the official UK specialist training programme. Stefan is also an active member of various specialist societies, an associate of The Higher Education Academy, has served on numerous professional committees and has received multiple awards.