Stephanie Chung
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  • Stephanie Chung 
  • Fantasy und Science-Fiction 
  • Leeren

Dr. Stephanie Chung obtained her bachelor of music degree at the Seoul National University. She continued her studies in the master's program in piano at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Recently she had an honorary doctorate degree in humanities conferred on her by Trinity Western University. Stephanie's contributions through music and philanthropy are evident in the numerous charitable events, fundraisers, and concerts she has organized and at which she has performed. She is currently the director and conductor of the Vancouver Zion Mission Choir, a group of 160 Korean Canadians who have dedicated their lives to spreading joy and harmony globally through music. Stephanie has led the choir at the Palace of the Korean President in the Blue House in 2010. She was also featured as the main pianist at the Canadian Parliament Prayer Breakfast in 2010. In October 2011, the Zion Choir was honored to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York. While Stephanie has been passionately pursuing her love for music, she has also been actively involved in the diplomatic community. Her credentials include her post as a former vice president of the Vancouver Consular Circle. Stephanie is also the ambassador of GAiN (Global Aid Network), "demonstrating the love of God, in word and deed." Through these posts, she always seeks ways to improve the welfare of people around the globe by demonstrating harmony and love. In addition, Stephanie serves on numerous educational boards. In 2008, she became a board member for the Vancouver International Song Institute (VISI). She is also the founder of Bethesda Parents Society, a support group for Korean mothers and fathers of mentally handicapped children. Through the Bethesda Parents Society, Stephanie supports and educates women and men who have autistic children. She also served on the board of directors of the Vancouver Opera. Stephanie is the founding director of Amenida Seniors' Community, which provides affordable, independent, and assisted living services to seniors in a truly multicultural environment. Amenida Seniors' Community is the only facility in British Columbia that fulfills the unique needs of Korean seniors by providing culturally specific meals and activities and bilingual staffing. It is filled with more than sixty Korean seniors and sixty Canadian seniors. Every day, there is a wide variety of opportunities for everyone to enjoy individual or shared activities and events. Stephanie's most recent accomplishment is the establishment of Joe's Table Cafe, which is staffed with people with different abilities. Her vision for this venture came from her desire to find meaningful employment for her late son, Joseph Chung. Joseph was diagnosed at a young age with autism and was also afflicted with seizure disorder. Since he always loved to socialize in his own loving and harmless way, Stephanie envisioned a job for him as a greeter to the patrons. In September 2012, however, Joseph passed away unexpectedly in a drowning accident. Nevertheless, Joe's Table continued to evolve and had its grand opening on June 23, 2013. Now it is a one-of-a-kind coffee shop that serves the community with the main focus of offering employment opportunities to those with different abilities. With the current location in Vancouver and two locations in South Korea, there are plans to open Joe's Tables across British Columbia and Canada in the months and years to come. In 2014, Stephanie received the "Widen our World" award from Community Living BC for her work with Joe's Table Cafe. The award recognizes outstanding contributions toward creating environments that promote inclusiveness for people with differing abilities.