Stephen Iacoboni
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Stephen Iacoboni, MD, is an award-winning cancer researcher, keynote speaker at oncology conferences, and community hospital cancer center director at four locations in the Pacific Northwest over his forty-year career. He is also the author of the highly acclaimed cancer care spiritual journal, The Undying Soul. Dr. Iacoboni's life and career straddled that culture-shattering transition in Western society from ubiquitous faith to widespread agnosticism. And in his education and coming of age during the "Biochemical Revolution" of the 1960s and 1970s, he was taught that to be a scientist he must renounce his spiritual birthright. As an orphan, he wanted to be true to his academic mentors, so he did just that. He went on to an enormously successful career in that most challenging of all medical specialties, cancer medicine. But about halfway through his four decades of dedicated care, including two hundred thousand patient encounters, he realized that something was missing. Something big. And when he found out what that was, he spent three years toiling to put words to that epiphany. Telos is the culmination of that insight and experience, that the road back to faith, inner peace, and social harmony. "Dr. Steve" invites all of his readers to visit and chat with him at