Süreyya Şeneldir
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  • Süreyya Şeneldir 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Abenteuer, Thriller, Horror 
  • Leeren

Sureyya Seneldir graduated from Istanbul University Medical Department in 1991. He has carried out over 10,000 functional and aesthetic rhinoplasty operations over the course of his career.

He is a member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery’s (EAFPS) Rhinoplasty Focus Group and a regular attendee and speaker at conferences around the world, delivering presentations and performing live surgery demonstrations. In 2012 he founded the Rhinoplasty School as a means of sharing his experience and philosophy with other rhinoplasty surgeons.

 The School has held more than twenty course sessions to-date, all of which Dr. Seneldir has personally managed. Over 2,000 surgeons have now completed the program. He also set up the related Cadaver Course and Fellowship Program, which gives participants the chance to put the theory taught in the initial course into practice.

He has also built up an extensive archive of photo records and surgical videos since the outset of his career, an invaluable body of materials which are used to train practitioners at all levels. 

Sureyya is a passionate advocate of harnessing the latest technology to improve the patient’s, and surgeon’s, experience. His philosophy of creative productivity underpins much of his work, including the creation of two product lines – MagicSaw and Rhinosmart.