Tahni Cullen
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  • Tahni Cullen 
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TAHNI CULLEN is a people-lover, blogger, and conference speaker who brings a powerful message of hope and restoration. Tahni worked for thirteen years at a multi-campus church in the Twin Cities of Minnesota, serving in communication arts and as a ministry director. She is a freelance marketer and performs in an original live variety show for women's events. Tahni and her producer husband, Joe, have created an award-winning documentary called Surprised by Autism. They live with their son, Josiah, in Saint Paul, where they enjoy exploring Minnesota's museums and destinations.   Eleven-year-old JOSIAH CULLEN uses an iPad as his voice. His poetry and thought-provoking quotes about God's love enable him to connect with others through his Facebook page, Josiah's Fire. Josiah attends an autism school and enjoys family outings to sensory-friendly movies, plays, and concerts for people with special needs. And he likes climbing, jumping, and playing with his dog, Lucy.   CHERYL RICKER is an author, blogger, speaker, and poet who enjoys all things artsy. She writes supernatural true-life stories that ignite people's passion to pursue God. Like Josiah's Fire, her first book of this genre, Rush of Heaven: One Woman's Miraculous Encounter with Jesus, also reveals that with God all things are possible. Cheryl studied creative writing at York University in Toronto, Ontario, and theology at Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. When Cheryl is not writing books, painting with watercolors, or sharing her faith, she loves having heart-to-heart conversations with her husband and two sons at their home in southeast Minnesota.