Tara Royer Steele
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  • Tara Royer Steele 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Krimi 
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Tara Royer Steele lives in Brenham, Texas, with her husband, Rick, and two boys. She and Rick love being able to work alongside each other. They were called to do life together. She loves to wake up before everyone in the house, put in her AirPods, listen to Bethel Music Essentials, drink her morning coffee, and let God pour into her heart, mind, and soul. It is where she is filled up, and the Lord gives her a good word to paint and share with the world or tuck away in her heart to ponder. At the age of twelve, she began working in her family's business, Royers Round Top Café, and continued for thirty-two years. God brought her family to a little town and a small café to take over a place that sold two pies. Those pies grew into something bigger than a café; they grew into a legacy about Jesus through pie. She and her husband own Royers Pie Haven in Round Top, Texas, a place to gather, be encouraged, inspired, loved, and, of course, eat pie. They also have All Things Acres in Brenham, Texas. It is the perfect seven acres that God is using to build something beautiful. For now, they bake the family business' pies there and hold events, retreats, and workshops. Together, they love to create safe spaces for people to gather around the table to create art, bake, eat, and enjoy fellowship. For more information, visit graceupongracegirl.com.