Teoti Anderson
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  • Teoti Anderson 
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Teoti Anderson, Certified Professional Dog Trainer and Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner, has been training dogs for nearly 30 years. She is the owner of Pawsitive Results, LLC, in Lexington, SC and is the author of several dog training books, including the Dogster Ultimate Guide to Dog Training. She also has a radio show, "Get Pawsitive Results" on Pet Life Radio, is a regular columnist for Modern Dog magazine, and has appeared in Southern Living, New York Times, DogFancy, Puppies USA, Whole Dog Journal and other national publications. A popular workshop presenter, Anderson has given presentations to pet owners and other canine professionals across the US and in Japan. Anderson is the past president of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers and also serves as a consultant on canine training and behavior for local and national dog rescue organizations.