Tony Suarez
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Tony Suárez is an author, sought after speaker and pastor, and serves as the Executive Vice President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, the country's largest Hispanic Christian organization, serving more than 40,000 congregations in the United States. Suárez regularly conducts evangelistic and healing services overseas and speaks at churches, conferences, and various events every week across the United States. Through his role as executive vice president and head of NHCLC's D.C. office, Rev. Suárez has become an active member of the Washington community where he serves as a member of the President's evangelical advisory board, regularly meets with members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, and speaks at events where the voice and participation of the NHCLC has been requested. Newsmax has named Suarez as one of the 50 most influential Republican Latinos in the United States. Suárez has become a prominent voice within the Evangelical community, a trusted guest speaker, and a sought-after media resource (featured on CNN, TBN, MSNBC, Telemundo, Univision, Mundo Fox, NBC Latino, WGN, CBN, Charisma and The Christian Post, to name a few). He is a regular host on TBN and his television program, Faith Alive, can be seen daily on TBN Salsa. Suárez serves on various committees including the Faith Advisory Board for the White House, American Heart Association Diversity Council, Hispanic Israel Leadership Council (HILC), Bible Study Fellowship, and Una Familia Foundation. He was also selected as one of the top ten candidates for the 2016 John C. Maxwell Leadership Award. He is also the author of Use Me Lord, published in 2012. Prior to his work with NHCLC, he founded The Pentecostals of Norfolk Church in Virginia in 2007 where he served as Senior Pastor until 2013. During his pastorate, Suárez founded The Norfolk Learning Center in collaboration with Regent University's Youth and Urban Renewal Center. Today, Pastor Tony and his three children reside in Virginia Beach, Virginia.