Twila Belk
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  • Twila Belk 
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To some she's known as Twila Belk, but to others she's known as the Gotta Tell Somebody Gal. She loves to talk, especially about her Lord—Almighty God. Whether she's writing, speaking, or teaching, Twila's desire is to offer hope and encouragement for people to get their eyes fixed on him. As a Christian communicator, Twila's goal is making important truths easy to understand. She enjoys laughing and promoting laughter, but even more than that, she's passionate about helping her audiences discover who God is and how big God is and proving that he can be trusted. She has lots and lots of proof of God's faithfulness and goodness, and she just has to tell somebody! The Power to Be is Twila's seventh book, and she's contributed to several others. Her last title, a one-year devotional also published with BroadStreet, is Raindrops from Heaven: Gentle Reminders of God's Power, Presence, and Purpose. She's had the pleasure of speaking for retreats, banquets, outreach events, church services, women's conferences, Women's Connection, Women's Aglow, MOPS, schools, baby showers, bridal showers, Christmas parties, Victorian teas, mother/daughter events, and even a wedding reception! In addition to writing and speaking, Twila enjoys teaching and keynoting at writers conferences across the nation. Her mission is to do whatever she can to make God famous. That includes being a champion for others who have a message of hope and encouragement--one that points people to God.  Twila and her husband, Steve, live in Bettendorf, Iowa, not far from the Mississippi River and the home of American Pickers, John Deere tractors, and Whitey's ice cream. She is mom to three grown children and Grandma to three precious little boys. For more information, visit