Ulrich Bahrke
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  • Ulrich Bahrke 
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Dr medical habil. Ulrich Bahrke, psychoanalyst (DPV/IPA) and training analyst (DGPT), specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy (FMH) in private practice in Zurich. Specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, specialist in neurology/psychiatry, 1991-2007 senior physician at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 2001-2009 chairman of the Central German Institute for Psychoanalysis Halle (MIP), 2007 - 2021 active at the Sigmund Freud Institute Frankfurt, from 2010 - 2015  head of the Institute's Outpatient Clinic and clinical director of the LAC Depression Study. 2009 habilitation, 2009/2010 substitute professorship and longstanding private lectureship at the Institute for Psychoanalysis of the Department of Education/Human Sciences of the University of Kassel. Lecturer and former board member of the “Mitteldeutsche Gesellschaft für Katathymes Bilderleben” (MGKB) and lecturer of the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Katathymes Bilderleben” (AGKB), teaching the method, for example, as a former co-organizer of the Berlin training seminar of the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Katathym Imaginative Psychotherapie” (DGKIP) and at the Lindau Psychotherapy Weeks.

Dr. phil. Karin Nohr, studied literature, didactic-methodical training of student teachers, and studied psychology. She is a graduate psychologist, doctorate in a music-psychological subject, a psychological psychotherapist and psychoanalyst in private practice, until 2016 she was board member of the German Society for Psychoanalysis and Music (DGPM), which she co-founded in 2007, and since 2012 has been a freelance writer (publication of five novels 2012, 2013, 2017, 1918, 2020). Since 1988, she has been a lecturer at the Association for Katathymic Image Experience and Imaginative Procedures in Psychotherapy (AGKB, now DGKIP), and has been teaching the method since 2006, among other things, as co-organizer of the annual Berlin training seminar of the German Association for Katathymic Imaginative Psychotherapy (DGKIP) and at the German Psychologists' Academy.