Volker Hoensch
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  • Volker Hoensch 
  • Für Kinder und Jugendliche 
  • Leeren

 Volker Hoensch studied mechanical engineering at the University of Stuttgart, majoring in nuclear energetics and thermal fluid machinery. In his professional career, he has been particularly concerned with human reliability issues. He has made many contributions in this field, especially to the International Atomic Energy Agency at the United Nations (UN).

After the nuclear disaster of Chernobyl in 1986, the author worked exclusively internationally. After working for several years at the World Association of Nuclear Operators, Paris Centre, the European Union appointed him project manager for the safety of nuclear power plants in the Ukraine. In February 2006, he received his doctorate from the Technical University of Munich on the experience gained in the performance behaviour of nuclear power plants.

He is a member of the working group "Human Reliability" at the Association of German Engineers.