W. David O. Taylor
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  • W. David O. Taylor 
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Phaedra Taylor (BFA, University of North Texas) is an artist whose work has been exhibited in juried, group, and solo exhibitions, and is held in private collections around the globe. Together with her husband, David, she also makes creative liturgical resources for families and churches. W. David O. Taylor (ThD, Duke Divinity School) is Associate Professor of Theology and Culture at Fuller Theological Seminary and the author of several books, including A Body of Praise, Open and Unafraid, and Glimpses of the New Creation; he is also the editor of For the Beauty of the Church as well as co-editor of Contemporary Art and the Church and of The Art of New Creation. He has written for The Washington Post, Image Journal, Religion News Service, and Christianity Today, among others. He serves on the advisory board for Duke Initiatives in Theology and the Arts as well as IVP Academic's series, "Studies in Theology and the Arts." An Anglican priest, he has lectured widely on the arts, from Thailand to South Africa. In 2016 he produced a short film on the psalms with Bono and Eugene Peterson. He lives with his family in Austin, Texas.